The scene of the 468th case was too big_1

Then Lin Xiangwan saw scattered peanut shells, small pickles packets, and even a bag of pickled chicken claws on the table.

"Is that all you had when you were knocking back all those drinks?" Lin Xiangwan asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, he said he prepared a bunch of snacks, turned out to be just this stuff, clearly I was fooled by him!"

Lin Xiangwan shook her head. "If you're going to have a drink, at least have some proper accompaniments. These... you guys really don't pay attention to the quality of the drinking experience and setting the mood!"

"Mood... hmm, I am a bit upset indeed," said Qin Muchuan.

"Huh? What did you say? Upset? Why are you upset?" Lin Xiangwan stared at him with a puzzled look.

"Oh, I misspoke, not upset, actually, quite happy!" he quickly corrected himself, visibly upset.

"So you guys had something fun, something worth celebrating with drinks?"

"Just reminiscing about our days in the military together!"