469 Unauthorized Use of Mobile Number_1

"What you're saying is too outrageous," Lin Xiangwan stammered. "Miss, no, I mean, beautiful lady, you're mistaken. I'm Qin Muchuan's wife, not some mistress!"

The beautiful woman glared at Lin Xiangwan with increasing hatred. "You're Qin Muchuan's wife? And yet you've done something like this? Do you think you're doing right by Qin Muchuan?"

"I haven't done anything with your husband, I don't even know his name. This is the first time I've met him, really..." Lin Xiangwan rushed to explain.

The beautiful woman sneered even more derisively. "Doing this the first time you meet? If you're really Qin Muchuan's wife, don't you think your behaviour is rather promiscuous?"

"Um... Qin Muchuan is here too..." Lin Xiangwan said, lifting her arm to point towards the restroom.

The beautiful woman looked ready to explode. "Qin Muchuan's here and you still dare to do this? Do you think you can just walk all over him, freely making a fool of him?"
