Action Z Plan_1

Operation Z's team leader, Xiao Qingyao, said very seriously, without any humor, "Can you blame me for this? If there is anyone to blame, it's you yourself. Two days have passed and you never thought of inviting Zhou Ziqing out, you're acting way too slowly!"

Qin Muchuan was quite angry. "Are you guys also monitoring me? Don't you think this is going too far?"

"This is the need of the organization. Your work is the task given to you by the organization, not your personal business! Therefore, no matter what the organization does to you, even if it sends you to jail right now, it wouldn't be too much!" Xiao Qingyao spoke firmly, with full confidence in every word.

Qin Muchuan frowned tightly, as if he wanted to grind his own teeth. "... Are you watching me too when I go to the bathroom? Do you require that too?"