648 Mistress Comes to the Door_1

Qin Muchuan snorted coldly. "Can you come up with a better excuse?"

Zhou Ziqing knelt on the ground, looking up. "He truly drank too much, if you don't believe me, you can go ask him!"

Qin Muchuan narrowed his eyes, having no intention of believing her. "What do you want me to ask him? Even if I do, he won't admit it. If he could admit it, he wouldn't have pushed Duoduo on me."

"I truly love you, Muchuan, you can't not believe me!" Zhou Ziqing continually kowtowed, pleading for his trust, and even lowered her head to kiss the toe of his shoe. "I have no reason to not love you and go for an older man, right? You were so good to me back then, I have no reason to betray you, right?"

Qin Muchuan didn't want to break with Zhou Ziqing at this time, he needed to maintain a certain balance.

He was extremely upset, unwilling to face this topic and closed his eyes. "Let me calm down a bit, I can't confront this issue right now. Leave my house for now, you can come back in a few days!"