649 Mistress Comes to the Door 2_1

Zhou Ziqing started laughing uproariously, a triumphant and wild laugh that was hard to tolerate.

The young cashier could not stand it and decided to defend her boss. "Are you sick or something? What are you laughing at like a maniac? If you're having a mental breakdown, just say so, I can call the mental hospital for you! If you're here to seduce men, then you're in the wrong place. This is not a brothel."

Insulting us, implying that my boss runs a brothel. Isn't that an insult to her too?

Such behavior is absolutely unacceptable.

Zhou Ziqing found someone to vent her frustrations on, and the target was the girl. "You say I'm sick, I say you're the one who's sick, looking for a fight!"

The cashier girl reached out to slap Zhou Ziqing, and Zhou Ziqing was also ready for a fight.