Chapter 007: Force Her into a Marriage Union_1

Just as Ye Ranran was holding the phone in a daze, it rang again.

This time, it was not Jun Mochan who was calling, but a call from the Ye Family's old house.

"Ranran, come home tonight," Ye's father's authoritative voice filled Ye Ranran's ears.

As Ye Ranran was about to refuse, her father's voice came again: "I have already sent someone to pick you up."

Well, she had to go back now. Sooner or later she had to confront it.

Ye Ranran sent a text message to Jun Mochan and then went downstairs.

The car slowly drove into the Ye Family's old house.

Ye Ranran pushed open the door. Her father, mother, Gao Han, Ye Tianjiao, besides her grandmother and Ye Tianjing, everyone was there.

"Sister." In front of others, Ye Tianjiao put on her helpless face again.

Ye Ranran felt nauseous with disgust.

She just stood at the door: "What do you want from me?"

"Child, don't you come home anymore? Where were you last night? Do you know how worried your dad and I were?" Ye's mother made a move towards Ye Ranran.

"I'm not dead, so you don't need to worry. I wouldn't commit suicide for you," Ye Ranran shoved her back, avoiding her touch.

"What kind of language is that? Leaving home for the night and still feel justified?" Ye's father looked visibly upset.

"Home? Is this still my home?" Ye Ranran chuckled coldly: "If you have anything to say, say it. I'm very busy."

"Who was the man you were with today?" Her father didn't beat around the bush and asked directly.

Ye Ranran knew they were asking about this. Otherwise, they wouldn't care even if she died out there.

"Sister, I know you're heartbroken, but you can't just grab any man to fill the void," Ye Tianjiao seemed to be advising her kindly, but was actually adding fuel to the fire.

"I didn't realize you cared about me so much. I understand. If it's about this, I know my boundaries," Ye Ranran turned to leave.

"Stand right there," Ye's father looked at her disappointedly: "When did you become so reckless?"

"Excuse me, father, how have I been reckless? Did I steal someone's boyfriend or husband? No matter how reckless I am, I will not be a mistress."

"And I definitely will not become a mistress and then slander the original spouse. But, dragons beget dragons, phoenixes beget phoenixes, a mistress's daughter will still be a mistress."

"Ranran, I know that you've always blamed me, but you really can't blame me for what happened back then," Ye's mother seemed filled with self-pity, her voice trembling slightly.

Look at her, men can never resist this kind of act.

Ye Ranran, why can't you learn to be smart?

"If you have any grievances, you can vent them at me. I also know about this situation. From now on, you will stay at home and not go anywhere. I'll find someone else for you," Ye's father commanded in an unquestionable tone.

"Yes, sister, just stay at home for these few days. Father has found Young Master Xie for you. I hear he's very handsome, wealthy, and the dream man of many wealthy young ladies," Ye Tianjiao chimed in helpfully.

Ye Ranran, as if she hadn't heard Ye Tianjiao, listened indifferently.

"I know that your sister's affair with Gao Han has hurt you, but I've already used money to shut the media up. Because of this, there's a bit of a financial issue in the company," Ye's father's voice softened considerably.

"This time, the Xie Family's willingness to invest is good news for us. As long as we can get it, the company's crisis would be over," said Ye's father in a much calmer voice.

"So, after all this talking, what does it have to do with me?"

"The Xie Family's investment prerequisite is to get 30% of the shares, and you just so happen to hold 30% of the shares. As long as you marry him, the 30% of the shares will still be in the hands of our Ye Family," Ye's father tried to convince her earnestly.