Chapter 008: Top-Quality Relatives_1

Ye Ranran looked at them incredulously: "This is your idea of helping me find someone?"

Ye Ranran felt a chill running down her spine: "Let me tell you, in your dreams! Why should I marry to solve the problems you have created?"

"What are you talking about, don't you have a stake in the company?" Ye's father frowned.

Ye Ranran lifted her proud head: "What does the company have to do with me? Did you give me money or make me the boss?"

"Ranran, don't be so stubborn. If it weren't for the funds from the company, who knows how the media would portray us. The company is having some trouble now; we need you to make a small sacrifice." Ye's mother softly pleaded.

"Then let Ye Tianjiao marry! Isn't she capable of attracting one man after another? Maybe Mr. Xie is willing to be her lover?"

"Also, don't make it sound like I owe the company money. No matter how badly the media writes about me, it won't change the fact that she slept with my brother-in-law."

Ye Ranran's words were unusually sharp and harsh. She was usually kind towards everyone, she never thought she would say such vicious words one day.

Ye Ranran felt if she continued to argue with them, she would die of frustration.

"Ye Ranran, Tianjiao is your sister, how could you speak about her in that way?" Ye's father was furiously glaring at her, rage etched on his face.

Ye Ranran met his gaze defiantly, a rebellious expression on her face: "Sister? Sorry, my mom only gave birth to me."

Ye Ranran walked away. Seeing the situation take a turn, Ye's mother tried to stop her.

"Where do you think you're going at this hour?"

"None of your business"

Ye Ranran pushed her off and continued to walk away.

"Sister." Ye Tianjiao also tried to stop her.

"Stay away, don't touch me."

Ye Ranran hurriedly walked away, on the way pushing a vase near the entrance. The vase shattered and blocked everyone else's path.

Ye was rushing towards the exit. In her hurry, she sprained her ankle.

Hearing footsteps behind her, Ye Ranran gritted her teeth and continued walking forward.

She needed to leave this place as soon as possible.

Judging by the way things were going, if she stayed here, she might be bundled off to Mr. Xie tomorrow night.

Feeling as if she was being chased by ghosts, Ye Ranran ran out of the Ye Residence's grand main entrance.

The pain in her foot was becoming increasingly unbearable, yet Ye Ranran didn't dare to slow down. While looking behind her to see if anyone was chasing her, she accidentally ran into a car.

"Sorry," Ye Ranran instinctively apologized.

"Get in the car." The car window slowly rolled down, and the uniquely cool voice of Jun Mochan came from inside.

Ye Ranran didn't have time to question why he was there, so she just opened the car door and got in.

Before she could even get seated properly, she fell over onto Mochan.

Ah Chuan quickly got out of the car and shut the door, then got back into the driver's seat.

"Go, leave this place," Ye Ranran tightly gripped Jun Mochan's arm.

"Ah Chuan, drive."

"Yes, President." Ah Chuan stepped on the gas, and the car shot off into the distance.

Ye Ranran gritted her teeth, the pain so severe that she couldn't utter a word—as cold sweat dripped down from her forehead.

"Do you not think you need to tell me something?" Mochan lifted her face.

Ye Ranran's face was hauntingly pale, paper-like.

Noticing her discomfort, Mochan's piercing gaze darted to her foot.

"Ah Chuan, go to the hospital."

"Yes, president." Ah Chuan immediately turned the car around and headed towards the nearest hospital.