Chapter 009: Being a Hooligan_1

"The swelling is severe, I'm afraid the bone might be injured, we'll need to get an X-ray," the doctor commented after a glance.

Ye Ranran felt somewhat dizzy, not fully comprehending what the doctor was saying.

"I will have someone dress her wound first. For safety, I recommend she stays in the hospital for a day or two. It's not going to be easy for her to walk like this," the doctor suggested professionally.

Ranran clearly heard this time and frustratingly lifted her head from Jun Mochan's arms, "I don't want to stay in the hospital."

"Do as needed." Mochan's eyes turned gloomy.

Something must have happened at the Ye Residence earlier, or Ranran wouldn't end up like this.

"Let's see how it is first, if it's not serious, she may not necessarily need to be hospitalized. But given her current situation, it does not look good. I'll arrange for an X-ray right away," the doctor stated as he wrote in Ranran's medical record.

"President, I'm going to go handle the hospital admission process," Ah Chuan said.

The doctor, recognizing Mochan's prominent status, quickly arranged everything.

The X-ray showed that the bone was indeed injured; she would need to stay in the hospital for a couple of days.

"Just dressing it is fine, I won't get it wet and I'll change the dressing on time, I'll be fine." Ranran pleaded with Mochan.

Mochan was engrossed in his documents and didn't bother to respond to her.

Ranran, exasperated after attempting to persuade him without success, decided to get out of bed.

Mochan, seemingly aware of her movements, looked up from his documents. His icy cold eyes were filled with an ominous chill.

Ranran immediately froze in place.

Mochan glanced at her for a moment, then put aside the documents he was holding and walked towards her.

His imposing figure, exuding an intimidating aura, towered over Ranran.

Without her consent, Ranran instinctively recoiled, tilting her head back to gaze at the approaching Mochan. She swallowed hard, "What... what are you trying to do?"

Mochan braced his hands on either side of her, trapping her between him and the hospital bed, "If you don't want anything to happen, you should stay still."

"This is a hospital." Ranran bravely met Mochan's gaze.

Mochan demonstrated with his actions that regardless of where they were, he could always subdue her.

"Jun Mochan, you're a rogue!" Ranran wiped her lips.

Mochan sat at the edge of the bed, leaning slightly towards her, one hand holding her waist, his face bearing a faint smile, "I can be even more of a rogue, Mrs. Jun, care to try?"

"President," Ah Chuan walked in after completing the paperwork.

Ranran hastily pulled the bedsheet up to cover herself.

Mochan stood up nonchalantly as if nothing had happened, signaling Ah Chuan with a glance.

Ah Chuan placed the medication beside them and followed Mochan out of the room.

"Thoroughly investigate. What happened tonight, I need to know the results by tomorrow."

"Okay, and about tomorrow..."

"I'll head in later tomorrow. Bring me the important documents. Also, don't tell anyone I'm here."

He didn't want to disturb Ranran.

After instructing Ah Chuan on some important matters, Mochan went back to Ranran.

Ranran had already fallen asleep. After an exhausting day and a quarrel with the Ye family, she was physically and mentally exhausted.

Now relaxing, she fell asleep quickly.

Mochan sat beside her working on his documents. Only after changing Ranran's dressing in the middle of the night did he lie down on the adjacent bed.

The next day, Ranran woke up to find Mochan's absence and reached for her crutch, intending to get out of bed.