Chapter 013: Gossipy Colleague_1

"It's just a small lesson, she'll catch her breath in no time." Jun Mochan glanced at the news on the computer, his tone slightly cold.

"Alright, it's late, haven't eaten yet?" Jun Mochan bent down, intending to pick her up again.

"Mr. Jun, my foot is just sprained, not broken, okay?"

As if Jun Mochan hadn't heard her, he picked her up: "But I want to hold you."

The servant beside them silently moved away, and Ye Ranran blushed with embarrassment.

This man, he says sweet things without thinking.

After staying at home for five days, Ye Ranran could finally walk, albeit with a limp.

Half of her design draft was completed, and the rest had to be finished at the company, after all, she had been resting for so long.

Moreover, the editor-in-chief of S.Z Magazine was coming today, so she had to go.

"Stop, stop here." Seeing that they were about to reach the company, Ye Ranran became anxious.

Without a word, Jun Mochan let Ah Chuan continue to drive forward, and the tall Range Rover gradually stopped in front of Ye Ranran's company.

It was now office hours, and the people coming and going were all familiar faces. Ye Ranran looked at the occasionally curious colleagues outside and silently accused Jun Mochan with her eyes.

"Madam, is that look a request for me to carry you?" Jun Mochan elegantly rolled up his sleeves.

"I can do it myself." Ye Ranran unbuckled her seatbelt, opened the car door, and got out of the car as if escaping.

She completed a series of actions in one breath.


Before closing the door, Ye Ranran heard Jun Mochan's laughter.

"Ranran." A colleague spotted her and walked over.

"Good morning." Ye Ranran squeezed out an impeccable smile.

Colleague Xiao Zhang glanced in the direction the car was leaving, "Ranran, not bad, you found a new man so quickly?"

"He seems quite well-off. That car is the latest model, the basic price is at least 2 million." Xiao Liu said.

"It's my brother's, the car is his friend's." Ye Ranran firmly lied.

"Really?" Xiao Zhang and Xiao Liu's faces showed disbelief.

Ye Ranran's eyes were clear and calm, the corner of her lips slightly raised, "I injured my foot and it's inconvenient to go to work, so my brother gave me a ride. Believe it or not is up to you."

Ye Ranran's low-profile style dispelled the jealousy in Xiao Zhang and Xiao Liu's eyes.

The understated Ye Ranran had never publicized her identity. On the one hand, she didn't want to cause trouble, and on the other hand, she didn't think it was something to be proud of.

Ye Mansion was just her nominal home.

As for marrying Jun Mochan, it was a choice made out of desperation. She herself didn't know how long this marriage would last.

So, there was really nothing to show off about.

She could only rely on herself.

"Oh, finally the great designer Ye has come to work." As soon as she stood at the office door, the sarcastic voice sounded.

Zhao Yue Li, a designer the company hired a year ago, was mentored by Ye Ranran for a month.

During that period, Zhao held a grudge against Ye for criticizing her design, and since then, she had been picking fights with Ye Ranran.

Ye Ranran, as if she hadn't heard, pushed open the door and went in on her own.

Seeing Ye Ranran ignore her, Zhao Yue Li felt bored and went to the pantry with her cup.

Not long after she sat down, Ye Ranran was called by the director.

"Our company has reached a collaboration with S.Z Magazine, but they have a few requirements to make clear to us. Whether your design drafts can pass depends mainly on them." The director spoke sternly.