Chapter 012: Young Master Jun's Methods_1

"Mr. Jun, you didn't go to work yesterday, and you're not going today either, is this really fine?"

"I'll go soon, but don't worry, even if I don't work that hard, I can still afford to keep you." After placing Ye Ranran in the chair, Jun Mochan also patted Ye Ranran's head.

She is not a puppy, why did he pat her head like that, Ye Ranran thought with displeasure.

After breakfast, Jun Mochan carried Ye Ranran to the balcony, where two maids stood behind him.

"I'll have to attend a meeting soon, so I am leaving early. If you need anything, just tell them. I'll come back earlier tonight."

"Hmm, don't worry, I can take care of myself. It's fine if you come back late." Ye Ranran spoke indifferently, her expression just as detached.

Her indifference towards him irritated Jun Mochan, nonetheless, he didn't say much.

Anyway, he has already gotten her, it was just a matter of time until she fell in love with him.

In the car, Ah Chuan glanced at Jun Mochan sitting at the back. Only when he finished reading a document did he speak: "President, should we deal with the Ye Family...?"

"No need to act hastily, how are things going with the Xie family?"

"Everything's settled, the report has been released."

"Hmm, bring the newspaper to me once we reach the office."

With Ye Ranran not around, Jun Mochan lost his previous gentleness, although still appearing gentle and refined, a layer of indifference cloaked him.

You could feel the chill even before getting close.

In fact, there wasn't any difference between him and a cold-hearted person.

"Should the lady really not know all this?"

Jun Mochan finally looked at him directly. "You have something to say, say it."

"I just think that the lady should know about all the things the President has done for her." Ah Chuan sheepishly said.

The intimidating aura of Jun Mochan was so formidable that Ah Chuan always felt like he was suffocating in his presence.

"What's the point of her knowing? As my wife, she only needs to stay under my protection." Jun Mochan's tone carried a note of warning.

Ah Chuan pursed his lips and dared not say another word.

Back at the villa, a computer sat in front of Ye Ranran, with papers spread out beside her. She was engrossed in sketching and writing.

Fifteen designs in half a month, the timeline was quite cramped. She essentially had to finish one design a day.

Now that two days had been wasted, she had to finish one design a day.

Ye Ranran immersed herself in her own world, busily sketching and making notes on a design.

It was not until 7 o'clock that she set her pen down.

Looking up at the time on her computer, she was about to store away her papers when a news pop-up appeared: The food at a chain restaurant owned by the Xie Family was found to be unsanitary, causing many customers to suffer from food poisoning.

Ye Ranran quickly opened the news. The Xie family had intended to collaborate with the Ye family in recent days. Such a strong alliance and capital integration would have further cemented their strength.

But this scandal caused the Xie Family's stocks to plummet, leading potential investors to back out.

How could the Xie Family, now struggling to save themselves, still invest in the Ye Family?

Ye Ranran stared blankly at the news until a hand rested on her shoulder and a gentle voice came from above her: "What are you looking at so intently?"

"Did you do this?" An inquiry that was said in an assured tone.

She was curious as to why he never asked about what happened earlier. Turns out he had known all along.

Well, of course, a mere movement of his finger would bring him any news he desired.

"So what if I did? And what if I didn't?"

"That's great, it feels good." Ye Ranran's eyes shone brightly.