Chapter 011: Young Master Jun's Consideration_1

In the room, the only sound left was Jun Mochan flipping through files. Bored to death, Ye Ranran could only focus on the only thing in the room that pleased her eyes— Jun Mochan.

His distinguished and handsome face, was half covered due to him bowing his head down. The sunlight spilled in from the window, sprinkling over him.

It made him look even more radiant and grandeur, truly noble and refined.

As they say, a serious man looks best. Turns out it's true.

Perhaps the content of the document displeased him, as the smile slowly disappeared from his lips.

All he was doing was writing on the paper.

During a break from flipping pages, Jun Mochan lifted his head. Ye Ranran stiffened and hastily averted her gaze.

The day passed with Jun Mochan handling files and Ye Ranran watching Jun Mochan.

At one point, Jun Mochan left for a while but returned after two hours.

Ye Ranran did not ask where he had gone.

The next morning, when Ye Ranran woke up, Jun Mochan was already standing by the bed.

"Why are you up so early?" Seeing him, Ye Ranran instantly lost her sleepiness.

Jun Mochan held her with one hand and helped her tidy her hair with the other, tenderly and naturally saying, "Aren't you going home? Just change your clothes and you can go."

He did keep his word.

"If your injury afflicts your bones, you must rest extensively and not walk around. If anything comes up, immediately come to the hospital," the doctor earnestly advised her.

Ye Ranran kept nodding, her eyes full of begging, fearing he would suddenly suggest her to stay in the hospital for a few more days.

"Hmm, there's nothing else," perhaps the doctor saw Ye Ranran's hope because he finally said what she had been longing to hear.

Just as Ye Ranran was about to express her gratitude, Jun Mochan suddenly picked her up.

"What are you doing?" exclaimed Ye Ranran.

"Didn't the doctor say you can't walk around arbitrarily?"

Ye Ranran "..." silently buried her face into Jun Mochan's chest.

Fortunately, a car arrived as soon as they left the hospital.

The excellent vehicle quickly drove towards Riverside Villa.

At the villa, Mother Wu had already prepared breakfast on Jun Mochan's order.

When the car stopped, Ah Chuan, the first to get out, opened the car door: "Mr. President, Madame."

Like in the hospital, Jun Mochan carried Ye Ranran out of the car.

The way he carried her like a treasure indicated to the servants that the president's wife was not to be underestimated or neglected.

"Do you want to freshen up?" Jun Mochan subtly dropped his gaze.

His eyes were as deep as the sea, when he watched her, it was like a dense web of love wrapped around her, leaving her nowhere to hide.

Ye Ranran, compelled to meet his gaze, her flushed face revealing her thoughts: "Yes."

Just then, in the hospital, she had only done a hasty wash, which was clearly not enough for someone slightly obsessed with cleanliness like Ye Ranran.

In the bathroom, Ye Ranran looks at herself in the mirror, her skin was white with a rosy glow, her eyes clear and bright.

She seemed healthier than she did before she fell ill.

"I've had someone arrange your clothes. They're in the dressing room," said Jun Mochan as he opened the door and stood by it.

Ye Ranran quickly averted her gaze in surprise, "I see, but is it appropriate for you to open the door so casually while I am washing my face?"

Jun Mochan studied her from top to bottom before slowly nodding: "You're right, I should have opened the door while you were taking a bath."

Ye Ranran "..." There's just no arguing with a rascal.

While going downstairs, Jun Mochan still carried her in his arms.