Chapter 046: Rebellion Within _1

"I can't spend so much money to maintain them. These are sent by special business contacts, as long as the job is done, they get paid."

As Ye Ranran's mouse swiftly moved across, she asked: "Is any of it illegal?"

"It's not ****, what's illegal about it? It's a normal transaction." Jun Mochan grabbed Ye Ranran's hand, stopping the mouse; "This one, she's pretty attractive."

With her fair skin and stunning beauty, Ye Ranran applauded: "Not bad, she's the one. Who would have thought, Mr. Jun has a good eye."

"How else could I have found you and made you my wife?"

Conceited, shameless. Ye Ranran gave him a derisive glance, yet her face subtly reddened.

"Don't blush just yet, we need to choose a handsome guy for Ye Tianjiao."

Looking at the screen full of handsome men, Ye Ranran felt a little overwhelmed, her lips slightly lifted: "How long do you think it will take for them to realize the other one is cheating?"

"As long as I think about dogs biting dogs, I'm extremely happy."