Chapter 045: Told You You're Clumsy_1

"Do you think I want to do this? Wouldn't I be uncomfortable if I didn't?"

Ye Ranran was talking about disciplining some jerk, unaware of how suggestive her words sounded.

Seeing the doctor looking at her as if she were a major freak, Jun Mochan feared that the next second the doctor would suggest sending her to a mental hospital, he quickly interrupted: "Alright, hurry up and check her. Can't you see her neck is swollen?"

Ye Ranran gave Jun Mochan a very resentful look. He was heartless, unkind, and unreasonable!

After the doctor checked Ye Ranran thoroughly, he found that other than some minor external injuries, there was nothing seriously wrong.

"Apply some blood-cooling and bruise-dissipating ointment, and you'll be fine in two or three days." The doctor took out a bottle of ointment from the medical box.

Ye Ranran took it, her pretty eyebrows frowning at the smell of the Chinese medicine.