Chapter 314: The Wedding Date Remains the Same_1

Before the other party could answer, Ye Ranran said, "Forgot to tell you, I recorded what you just said. Explain it to the police yourself."

"Ye Ranran, I underestimated you." Xie Yuan fumed.

"Thank you for the compliment, I am very happy." A smile curved Ye Ranran's eyes as she hung up the phone.

"Why are you so happy?" Jun Mochan came in from outside.

Upon seeing him, Ye Ranran immediately pounced: "Husband."

Jun Mochan deftly caught her: "What happened? Who called you?"

"Xie Yuan. He said that he added something to my clothes. I recorded what he said, and he's furious when he found out."

Jun Mochan's grip on her tightened: "You recorded it? And told him?"

"Yes, if we hand this recording to the police, he will be arrested." Ye Ranran waved her phone at him.

Jun Mochan snatched the phone: "Don't do anything this dangerous again."

"What's dangerous? They have bullied me so much, should I not fight back? Do they think I am a pushover?" Ye Ranran said fiercely.