Chapter 315: The Past is Like the Wind _1

Ye Ranran quickly comforted her: "Don't be angry, don't be angry."

"At first, it was your father who pursued your mother." Aunt Bao recalled with emotion.

At that time, Ye's father had just graduated from university, a twenty-three-year-old young man, with a spry face. He was favored by Ye Ranran's grandfather and recruited into the company

"Back then, the company wasn't called Ye's, but Yunteng, and was already taking shape. Your mother was still in her third year of university. Your grandfather, in order to groom her, had already let her start managing the company."

And thus, the two of them met.

"There were many suitors for your mother at the time, but she didn't like any of them, but took a fancy to your father. Your grandfather initially disagreed, but your mother was stubborn."

This matter caused a great stir at that time. Ye Ranran's grandfather even locked up her mother, not allowing the two to meet. Her mother then began a hunger strike.