Chapter 8 Pan'er Goes up the Mountain_1

Mrs. Qin-Li could see clearly that this fool stepped into the house carrying a small bundle, maybe she could scrape together a little advantage with that.

Just four copper coins, what's the big deal!

A problem that can be solved with money is no problem at all.

The former Su Pan'er never lacked for money, the now clueless her reached around her body for money, only to remember she was no longer the once mighty Su Pan'er, and she was so poor that she didn't possess half a copper coin.

Under the fiery gaze of everyone around her, her hand slowly retreated.

She scoffed, "Just four copper coins? I'll return tenfold to you by sunset!"

Mrs. Qin-Li was so angered that she reeled backwards!

"Listen, you all listen to this! Just four copper coins? Maybe she really believes she can... Fine! It was you who said it. If you can't get back forty copper coins by sunset, go roll back to Su Family where you came from, we don't shelter freeloaders in our house."

She spat out harsh words, her eyes scraping Su Pan'er's body like a knife!

She was itching to rip her apart.

"Mother, what are you saying? Pan'er just arrived and doesn't know the rules yet, why don't you teach her more. How could you ask her to get money on her own?"

Qin Yi stood up hearing the commotion and stepped out of the firewood room just in time to attempt to rescue Su Pan'er from this predicament.

Su Pan'er didn't even bother to look at him. Without saying a word, she turned around and walked out.

"She is a weak woman? What a joke! Get out of my sight. It's all because you married this troublesome baggage. Once you have a wife, you forget about your mother..."

Mrs. Qin-Li erupted with anger and started swearing at Qin Yi.

At the gate, Mrs. Qin-Chen was cracking melon seeds.

Su Pan'er walked past her, and Mrs. Qin-Chen spat a spray of melon seed shells on the ground. "Phew! What a thing, With such arrogance! Acting as if you're a fairy! As if money could be summoned at whim!"

A rugged laborer would earn just over a hundred copper coins from a month's work in the market.

This fool, as soon as she opened her mouth, bet that she could earn forty copper coins in half a day. She's certainly a fool!

Su Pan'er, without halting, walked out of the courtyard, saw several children crowded around in front of the kitchen, who scattered in fear as soon as they saw her.

"My dear, you... you alright? *cough* *cough*..."

Qin Yi forced himself closer to Su Pan'er, his gaze constantly darting up and down her body.

Ignoring Qin Yi completely, Su Pan'er got herself a basket and a firewood knife and slung them on her back, and walked out the front door.

"Pan'er, where are you going?"

Ignoring Qin Yi's call from behind, she walked out of the courtyard without breaking stride, turning on the village path and jogging toward the mountain.

Luoshan Village sits backed by Deicide Mountain. For generations after generations, countless people have relied on these mountains for their livelihood for hundreds of years. The mountains are home to many wild animals, and host countless eerie legends as well.

According to ancestral lore, many years ago, the mountains had once been home to many gods and deities. They made the entire Deicide Mountain their realm and brewed countless strange plants, and nourished countless exotic birds and animals.

Then, strange occurrences happened. The entire mountain was shrouded in dark clouds for half a year. People who tried to investigate would die immediately upon contact with the dark clouds, instilling fear in everyone. When the dark cloud covering the mountain finally dissipated, all of the gods disappeared without a trace.

That's how the name "Deicide Mountain" came about.

With the passage of time, people tried to venture into Deicide Mountain one after another. However, it was already regarded as a forbidden place. None of the villagers who went into the mountain returned alive, and gradually people feared it. The ancient legends have become tableside talk for the villagers.

Su Pan'er paced along a small river towards the mountain, picking some practical herbs and casually throwing them into her basket. Walking nonstop, she found herself in the swamp at the foot of Deicide Mountain.

It was springtime, and the wild ducks in the mountains loved this wet and mud-dense area, often eating and laying eggs in tufts of Qiushu grass that were taller than people

There were several places in her memory where she could find wild duck eggs.

Following her memory, she found her way around the swamp, searching in the thick reed cluster. She found something quite quickly: a startled duck flew out with a rustling sound, squawking in panic as it flew away.

With a swift movement, Su Pan'er threw her knife as if it was a hidden weapon, directly hitting the duck's neck. The duck's head immediately separated from its body, and its squawking abruptly ended as it fell into the mud with a thud.

Her aim was a little off!

Pan'er frowned-she only wanted to cut through the duck's neck, but ended up completely beheading it. It seemed she was unable to fully control her former body's strength.

She parted the grass where the wild duck had flown out and found seven wild duck eggs.

Su Pan'er's mouth curved up in a smile, and the joy in her eyes couldn't be hidden in waves.

She hastily picked them up and put them into her basket lined with wild grass. She then picked up the dead duck and continued searching in the grass.

Perhaps her good luck had been used up. She searched all around for a while but only found a few wild duck eggs, and she didn't encounter another wild duck.

She refused to give up, treading through sticky mud, slipping a few times and barely avoiding falling into a swamp! She turned around a bend and went deep into the mountain, and her eyes suddenly lit up!

A short distance ahead was a deep dark pool. A number of wild ducks were leisurely playing in the water. Su Pan'er's arrival seemed to have disturbed them, they all began to flap and squawk, scattering in all directions.