Chapter 9: Returning with Full Load_1

Su Pan'er's gaze was not on that, but rather firmly fixed on the dirt ditch next to her.

There, there were traces left by several types of wild animals. Mountain goats, deer, porcupines... the most of which, were the hoof prints and feces left by the wild boars.

She immediately gave up the plan to continue searching for wild duck eggs, followed the traces left by the animals, and gradually left the swamp. Without going far, she saw many freshly gnawed tender grasses nearby the bushes, next to which were some spherical feces.

These were traces of the activity of wild rabbits!

Su Pan'er's nose twitched slightly, her eyes sparkled, and she quickly determined the direction. Sure enough, when she pulled open the bushes, she saw a hole. She took out the things from her basket backpack and blocked the hole. As the saying goes, "cunning rabbits have three dens", but her eyes were accurate, and her actions were swift. Soon, she blocked the other holes of the wild rabbits and lit a pile of dry grass at the remaining hole.

It didn't take long for there to be movement at the basket backpack.

Su Pan'er quickly ran over to take a look, good god! Unexpectedly there was a nest of wild rabbits, one large and four small, being smoked by the thick smoke, constantly jumping out.

Hey! This is enough for tonight's extra meal!

Su Pan'er rarely showed a smile, caught all the wild rabbits and tied them into a string, and then straightened her body. She wanted to go deeper to pick some herbs, but she touched her stomach that was constantly clamoring, decisively packed up her things and started to walk back.

After counting the gains of this trip, there were twenty-eight wild duck eggs, a wild duck, and five wild rabbits, which would definitely worth forty copper coins.

Passing by a deep part of the small river, she also conveniently sharpened a bamboo arrow and forked several fish onto the shore.

The Qin Family was lively at this moment.

As soon as Su Pan'er left the house, Mrs. Qin-Li felt something was wrong, and she turned back and vented her anger on Qin Shuan'er and her mother, scolding them.

She further vented her anger on the other people, scaring the children of the grandchildren's generation to dodge quickly, even not daring to raise their heads.

Seeing the sun gradually going to the west, and that figure still not appearing, Mrs. Qin-Li felt triumphant.

"That trash might as well die outside and not come back, she thinks she is so great, talking nonsense all the time. Saying 'it's just forty copper coins', I want to see where she gets forty copper coins. Is she going to steal or rob?"

Qin Yi frowning, couldn't help but cough twice to argue a few words: "Mother, Pan'er said that she will earn forty copper coins before sunset. The time is not up yet, can you stop scolding her?"

Mrs. Qin-Li glared at him with her inverted triangle eyes: "Oh! How bitter my life is! Just married yesterday, and that fox vixen has seduced your soul away today. Get out, get out, get out! Don't let me see you and get upset."

Qin Yi opened his mouth, but finally did not say anything.

Mrs. Qin-Li scolded for a long time, and cursed all the ancestors of the Qin family before she let out her bad breath.

Her gaze fell on Qin Shuan'er next to her: "It's all because of you, gluttonous girl, who caused all the trouble. You are just like your mother, lazy and greedy. You also pocket earnings secretly while working for us, not one of you is considerate."

Qin Yueshi, like a little daughter-in-law, tightly hugged Qin Shuan'er in her arms, not daring to refute a word.

Mrs. Qin-Chen next to her was even more triumphant.

Although Qin Xiao was just a shopkeeper in a grain shop in the county town, he brought back silver money every month. Because of this, she could speak in front of Mrs. Qin-Li and had more face than others. Even her children had not suffered much.

Looking at the shrunken mother and daughter, she kept adding fuel to the fire: "My sister-in-law is really good at calculating. When things go wrong, she dumps everything on the fool. She has eaten the eggs and swallowed half a bowl of pork. Now she has cleaned herself completely... This thing... is really well done."

Now Qin Yueshi couldn't stand it anymore!

Being scolded by Mrs. Qin-Li was the mother-in-law educating the daughter-in-law, so she naturally had nothing to say. But when Mrs. Qin-Chen said that, it was really a stab at her heart!

"Second sister-in-law, what do you mean by that? When did we steal food? The egg was originally given to Shuang'er by third brother's wife." As she spoke, tears fell from her eyes.

Shuang'er was also a descendant of the Qin Family! It was understandable for Qin Gui, as the eldest son of the eldest branch, to eat an egg a day. But why should Qin Wan'er also eat one every day? Was she not human just because she was a granddaughter?

Moreover, she had a hatred for Su Pan'er in her heart!

If it wasn't for her forcefully giving the egg to Shuang'er, would they need to suffer such grievances?

"Everything is Su Pan'er's fault. It would be great if she died outside. If she dares to come back, watch me beat her teeth all over the floor."

A fierce light flickered in Mrs. Qin-Li's eyes.

"It's this late and there's still no sign of her, I bet the fool has already run back to her maiden family crying."

A fierce light flickered in Mrs. Qin-Chen's eyes. Thinking of a certain scene, she couldn't help but laugh!

"Who did you say was crying?"

A familiar voice suddenly came from behind them.

Everyone turned around in surprise.

Su Pan'er, carrying a basket backpack full of wild duck eggs on her shoulder, holding a string of live fish in her left hand, and several plump, jumping wild rabbits in her right hand, stepped through the gate.