Chapter 13 She's not even allowed to drink soup!_1

Only Mrs. Qin-Li, who was shut out by Su Pan'er, still cursed unceasingly, banging the door so hard it echoed loudly.

The people gathered outside the Qin family's courtyard were disappointed to see no show, but were still captivated by the tantalizing aroma coming from inside, making it hard for them to leave.

One nosy woman couldn't help stepping forward: "Sister-in-law of the Qin family, were you driven out by your new daughter-in-law? Oh no! That fool is remarkably bold, what will happen now?"

Her words immediately outraged Mrs. Qin-Li.

Originally, she was already furious after being thrown out of the courtyard by Su Pan'er. Then, the smell of the thick aroma wafting from inside, as if her own flesh was being braised, had her seething with anger. When she turned to see the smirking faces, she began to curse loudly.

"None of your damn business! I see you're pushing your luck, meddling in my family's affairs. Are you asking for a beatdown?"

As she spoke, she lunged at the woman.

Mrs. Qin-Zhang wasn't one to be trifled with, so how could she just stand there and take a hit?

Immediately, she was grappling with Mrs. Qin-Li.

"Everyone, come and see! She was kicked out of the house by her own foolish daughter-in-law and now venting on me! Come and see what this shrew is capable of..."

"You're still talking..."

Mrs. Qin-Li wanted to refute her, but she couldn't find the right words to say, so her anger flared!

Ever since she married into the Qin family, everyone feared her tactics and would avoid her. Except for this old hag in front of her who opposed her from the moment she married into the family and never treated her kindly.

Enduring the pain of her hair being pulled, she clawed violently at the woman's face, immediately scratching her face to shreds.

"Oh! You heartless old hooligan, having the audacity to scratch my face! You're replaying an old trick when we fight! You'll see how I handle you..."

The two bickered fiercely and fought fiercely, while the onlookers did not mind the escalation but instead cheered them on.

For a time, the scene outside the Qin's courtyard was lively.

At this moment, in the kitchen, the aroma of braised meat is so mouth-wateringly strong it's bubbling away.

Along the way, Qin Yi tried to sneak out to open the main gate but was glared back to his previous spot by Su Pan'er.

The wild duck and wild rabbit were incredibly delicious. Qin Yueshi's cooking skills were excellent and though there were no extra seasonings, with the addition of pickled peppers, pickled ginger and old crock radishes and stir-fried mountain peppers for taste, then stewed in a massive pot of water till just two bowls of heavy soup were left. The result was two big pots of deliciousness.

Su Pan'er was so hungry her stomach was curling up, and she didn't care about getting burnt and started gobbling up the food.

The aroma was intoxicating!

It was delicious and fragrant!

Several pairs of eyes darting around outside the kitchen bulged out. They wished they could charge in and steal to eat. However, they refrained because of Su Pan'er's bravery. They turned around anxiously in the courtyard, daring not to enter.

The three people in the kitchen had their eyes wide open, swallowing saliva as their stomachs rumbled.

Su Pan'er, with three pairs of eyes staring at her, lost her great appetite: "What are you looking at? If you want to eat, don't you know how to serve yourself?"

She rebuked fiercely and continued gobbling with swift motions.

In no time, a large dish of meat entered her stomach, which made the eyes of the other three in the kitchen twitch.

She lifted her hand, gulped down the remaining duck soup, put down the bowl with a crash, and laughed with her eyebrows and eyes relaxed. She raised her thumb and praised, "Awesome!"

Seeing that not a drop of soup remained in Su Pan'er's basin, making it look as though a dog had licked it clean, the hearts of the three Qin Yi felt like they were being tickled by a cat. They disregarded all manners, didn't consider whether the others had eaten or not, and began to gobble up their own portions of meat.

The taste was indeed as expected, the three of them started eating cautiously, but after the first two bites, they started feasting. Especially Shuang'er, her face was covered in oil, her cheeks were bulged, and her eyes were squinted with a grin.

The several people waiting in the courtyard for their share of the meat were upset!

Qin Gui was mad! He wanted to storm into the kitchen eagerly, but the fierceness of Su Pan'er held him back, he was left running around erratically! Then, an idea came to him as he turned to his young aunt.

"That fool finished a whole pot of meat? Bastard! She didn't even leave some for us! Should we...?" Barge in?

Qin Wan'er even distorted her face with rage. She was pampered by Mrs. Qin-Li since childhood and feared nothing. Qin Gui's words were just as she wanted. She was infuriated and kicked open the door of the kitchen with a bang. She barged in, hands on her hips and started cursing.

"Great! You dare to eat secretly! I'm going to complain to mother, and she will handle you!"

Su Pan'er, who had just eaten her fill and was picking her teeth, laughed when she heard this.

"I ate openly and honestly, when did I eat secretly? You barged in, are you looking for a fight?" As she spoke, her eyes narrowed dangerously, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

This scared Qin Wan'er into stepping back subconsciously, "You damned fool, what do you want to do?"

Su Pan'er gave a cold smile, stood up, and said: "What do you think?"

Even with her audacity, Qin Wan'er suddenly became speechless, turned around and bolted out of the kitchen. She was sure someone would come and take care of Su Pan'er. Humph!

Su Pan'er swept her contemptuous eyes over her, raised her head and saw that the sky was filled with the evening glow, indicating twilight had come.