Chapter 14 Making a Fool of Someone_1

The sun was setting in the west, its golden afterglow spilling over the mountains, painting the distant majestic ridges with a layer of gold dust, covering the earth with a layer of iridescent brilliance.

After a day of labour, Old Qin was exhausted, returning from the farmland with his children and grandchildren.

Now was the spring plowing season, the crop in the field couldn't be delayed for a moment. They had been busy with Qin Yi's wedding a few days ago and had lost a few days. Today, they started working in the fields before dawn. They were exhausted by now. Apart from his eldest son Qín Yú, who still was energetic, Qin Bin, and his grandsons Qin Hua, Qin Hui and Qin Hao were close to collapsing with fatigue.

Before they could get close to the house, they could see that their doorstep was crowded with villagers.

From a distance, they could hear a chaotic noise, crying, cursing, reproaching, pleading, rough manhandling, and crazy beating... Hearing this chaos was unbearable.

The yard of the Qin's was surrounded by people, all craning their necks to see what was happening inside, their gossipy natures completely aroused, and they were whispering to each other from time to time. The whole scene was like a riot, a noisy cacophony as if a flock of ducks were quacking all at once!

Hearing his wife's loud voice from afar, the face of Old Qin immediately darkened. Without any hesitation, he quickened his steps and rushed home.

"What's all this chaos? Don't you guys have anything better to do? Get lost!" Old Qin, furious, drove the crowd away.

The neighbouring villagers jumped in fright and quickly scattered.

This revealed the two people who were tangled up inside.

Only two old men who usually got along well with him did not leave. Old Man Li instead turned around with a smile, and said, "Old Qin, I heard that your third son's new wife drove your old lady out. It's a real mess right now. How about that? Shall we mediate the situation tonight?"

Saying it as if it was just to talk but really he was keen to watch the drama unfold.

He loves to stir the pot!

The words from Old Man Li stunned Old Qin for a moment, his face turning grim.

"Go away! I don't need your meddling in my family affairs. Scram!"

He forcefully pushed past the obstruction and strode into the yard.

Behind him, the laughter of Old Man Li and another passerby drifted over: "Old Man Qin, if you didn't want that idiotic daughter-in-law, why did you desperately pursue the Su Family in the first place? Now you are mistreating the poor girl so terribly. It would have been better if you hadn't married her at all. This is just cruel!"

Everyone knows that Qin Yi was gravely ill and only had a month or so to live. The Qin family had desperately pursued the Su family only to end up with an idiotic daughter-in-law. And now seeing how they were treating her, it was upsetting...

The mockery ignited laughter among the remaining villagers.

Old Qin stumbled, nearly falling to the ground. He regained his composure, his old face turning black, then green, then pale. He couldn't bring himself to ignore the matter. He turned to the two people still fighting and roared with rage!

"What the hell are you fighting over? Isn't there an end to this?!"

Mrs. Qin Li had always been domineering at home and outside, but she had always been wary of Old Qin.

As soon as she heard Old Qin's voice, she immediately let go. But Mrs. Qin-Zhang reached out and grabbed her, causing her to cry out in pain. Cowed by Old Qin's deep gaze, she dared not move again.

"Good! Old Qin, you're right on time. Today we must have a good chat. Look at all these injuries on me, all caused by this old woman…"

Mrs. Qin-Zhang felt a sense of triumph in her heart. The places she'd been hit by her were all hidden and not visible to others. She was not the one at a disadvantage!

As soon as Old Qin heard her shouting, he immediately frowned: " Auntie-in-law, we are family. As for what's right and wrong, we should ask the villagers and give you an answer, shouldn't we?"

Most of the people in Luoshan Village bore the surname 'Qin', and if you trace back three generations, most of the people were relatives.

Mrs. Qin-Zhang's eyes darted nervously. If they really started asking, wouldn't that expose the truth? She was indeed the one who had started the trouble because she disliked Mrs. Qin Li's ways. Her attitude softened suddenly. "We are all family, there is no need for explanations. Ah! It's getting dark, I must go home and cook."

With that, she hastily retreated and decamped.

Turned his attention to Mrs. Qin Li. "It's only been a day since the new daughter-in-law has joined the family. There is not a moment of peace in the house. What are you making a fuss about? This is just causing unnecessary humiliation. Now go prepare dinner."

"Dinner? She has already had dinner inside a long time ago."

Mrs. Qin Li spat fiercely, bellowing so loudly it could be heard throughout the village: "You old bastard! You always have the side of outsiders! This damned girl, she's only been here for one day, and she dares to hit me! I won't accept such a daughter-in-law. Unless she apologizes to me, there is no way I will forgive her!"

Mrs. Qin Li was seething with anger!

Without a care for her dishevelled state, she snatched the hoe from Old Qin's hand and slammed it into the door, making a loud crash!

"Oh my god..." As the door opened, a pitiful scream could be heard from inside.


The sound of something heavy hitting the ground can be heard. Mrs. Qin-Li's heart tightened. She quickly lowered her gaze, only to see Qín Wan'er lying on the ground, her face pale and her body trembling.