Chapter 67 Is There Something Inside? (Second Update)_1

Seeing that ever-closer... palette, and the bizarre smell of the low-quality rouge and powder rushing towards him in the wind, Lui Muyi could no longer control the nausea in his heart and slapped it away with one hand!


"Get lost, you ugly monster! It doesn't matter if you're ugly, it's okay to pop out in the dark. But now it's broad daylight! For you to come out and play tricks, that's too damn improper!"

Lui Muyi cursed angrily, seeing his hands smeared with white flour, he felt disgusted!

Quickly picked up the Miracle Healer Hu's clothes beside him and rubbed them, which caused Miracle Healer Hu's mouth corners to twitch continuously, but he dared not to speak out his anger. The remaining white stains on his hands made his mood even worse!

Qín Wan'er stood in shock, with five red marks flashing on her face.

Half of her face quickly swelled up like a pig's head.