Chapter 66 What a Memorial play! (One more update)_1

On the left, Old Qin's head drooped in defeat, appearing like an eggplant struck by the autumn frost.

On the right, Old Uncle Hu was in the midst of a lively conversation with Old Qin, a self-satisfied look on his face.

Every now and then, he'd pinch a few peanuts and toss them casually into his mouth, the crunching audible. Hearing Young Master Lv's inquiry, he hastily got to his feet.


He also appeared utterly puzzled: "The old Qin house is just behind the village. They should have returned by now! It's indeed strange..."

Just as he was speaking, he saw Overlord Tiger and his men, covered in bruises and scrapes, stumbling towards the main entrance.

Each of them wore a mournful expression, nearly all bearing injuries.

Overlord Tiger wept with copious tears and snot: "Young master, young master! You must seek justice for us! Young master..."

"What on earth happened? Who dares wound my men, brazen enough to possess the courage of a bear and a leopard!"