Chapter 187: The Mystery of Death! _1

"Let go, let go! Listen here, you fierce woman, release my tail now!"

The comical pig desperately flailed its short, stubby legs in mid-air: "Why are you so ungrateful? I kindly remind you and you treat me like this. You, you heartless creature..."

"Enough of your nonsense!"

Su Pan'er shook her fist at it: "If you don't stop babbling, believe it or not, I'll punch all your teeth out!"

"Don't hit me, don't hit me! Can't you see I'm covered in wounds?"

The little Bama pig blinked its small pig eyes, trying to act cute to Su Pan'er.

"Pan'er, Pan'er, I really brought you here for a reason! Seriously, more real than a pearl. Look, look over there..."

It struggled to stretch its short legs.

Following its stubby leg, Su Pan'er only saw a sprawling field of wild grass, stubbornly taking root and filling the empty plot behind her house.