Chapter 188 Warm Feelings_1

As she returned home in the evening, Su Pan'er, from a distance, saw two figures under the shade of a tree, one big and one small, hunched over a desk, writing vigorously.

They did not realize even when she had walked right up to them.

This stout tree, flourishing at the edge of the courtyard, stretched out its braches and covered one corner of the yard very tightly.

Patches of sunlight poured through the gaps, casting beams of light on Qin Yi. It illuminated him, making him seem extraordinarily ethereal and dignified.

Unconsciously, Su Pan'er's heavy-hearted feeling eased inexplicably.

She tiptoed silently to his side.

Ke'er, who was practicing writing strokes in the sand with a stick, was the first to notice her. She wanted to call out but was hushed by Su Pan'er!

Ke'er promptly stuck out her little tongue and lowered her head to resume her practice.