Chapter 450: She Didn't Understand Love at That Time_1

"Lord Jun, you jest! My temperament is not only bad but rather horrible!"

Su Pan'er did not turn around, still smiling as she watched Xue'er play with abandon.

Her character is tough and domineering, she always fiercely condemns evil. She lives boldly and happily, so where does the notion of having a good temper come from?

"But you have full patience for Xue'er, completely tolerant, genuinely good to her. I see it clearly on her behalf. I thank you for Xue'er!"

Standing under a clump of emerald bamboo, Jun Ruochen spoke seriously.

Serious as Jun Ruochen was, he seemed to overlap with the face of the Jun Ruochen from the past. He had also uttered the same words then. It seemed to echo next to her ear: "I thank you on behalf of Little Ya!"

Even though there was a difference in just one word, the tone and expression of the person speaking strangely matched, as though they came from the same person.