Chapter 449 Joy of Harvest_1

Su Pan'er felt something amiss: "What's the matter? Xue'er, you are..."

"Ah! Sister Pan'er, you might not be aware. Actually, I have been betrothed since my childhood."

Saying this, the smile on her face turned incredibly bitter: "It's an arranged marriage, settled when I was still a child. I was at the palace with my mother when I unintentionally bumped into His Majesty. He looked at me and joked, 'This child has an aura of wealth and prosperity, seems to have a connection with our royal family, and I quite like her.' Although these words were said in jest, a monarch's words are always accordant."

"Then His Majesty arranged my marriage to the son of a prince, a boy who had been sent away for grooming since his childhood. I have never met him, and for all these years, I..."

A little girl's life was set in stone because of a casual remark and an imperial edict from His Majesty.

From then on, she had no childhood.