Chapter 498: Pan'er's Business Experience_1

While she said she would check the secret tunnel of the Bai Residence in a few days, Su Pan'er felt a burning curiosity that led her to nearly wear out all the books on the Ancient Divination Methodology that she had at her disposal.

She eventually arrived at a conclusion.

The underground array formation must have been improved by its original builders, hence its peculiar nature.

Yet, speculation remained speculation. To determine whether her theory was correct, she had to see the site in person to have a thorough understanding of the situation.

Before they could act, Su Pan'er received a letter from Lui Muyi.

In it, he mentioned that thanks to Su Huarong's assistance, he was able to avoid the prison disaster.

The millet and grains had been successfully purchased, already loaded onto ships, and were being transported back after leaving Yongzhou Prefecture.