Chapter 499: The Picker is the Buyer_1

Another of the manors was located in the mountains, and had just finished building about ten stone kilns, responsible for producing Silver Frost Charcoal.

After making some calculations, Su Pan'er estimated that at the rate the Silver Frost Charcoal was being produced, she would be able to make back the capital she used to purchase the three manors by the end of this winter.

Then, there were vast mulberry trees in the last manor.

The previous owner of the manor operated a streamlined industry: mulberry picking, silkworm rearing, cocoon boiling, silk reeling and yarn spinning.

With her investigation, she found that due to the local climate, the cultivation of mulberry trees was straightforward and promising. It wasn't difficult to rear silkworms, and the silk output was also high. Unluckily, the process of weaving and further processing was problematic, leading to the inability to sell the final silk product and resulting in a low price sale of the manor.