Chapter 713: Chaos from Concern! _1

"Well then, since this is the case, I wish Teacher Song well on his journey."

Having thought this, Mr. Jiang no longer insisted, and after bidding farewell to Qin Yi, he took his people and left to report back.

Qin's army was victorious, and news of their triumphant return with captured enemy generals spread like a bird's wings in all directions.

Yet, Su Pan'er, far away in the Mountain Village, was deeply worried.

After killing that squad, she had worried for a while.

If word of the rascal pig's inner space leaked out, it could bring big trouble. Particularly after she recalled that the ten she had killed seemed to be elite members of a small squad, which could only likely be trained by someone important!

But worrying gained her nothing; life still had to continue.

Not long after, news of Zhou Zhenchao blasting the mountain and forcing the river to change its course spread. More refugees appeared at the foot of the mountain.