Chapter 714: Nightmare, Pan'er's Worries!_1

Her mind was in a confused mess, completely void of sleepiness.

Seeing Little Yanyan sleeping sweetly in her arms, she nestled her into the quilt, fearing she might catch a cold. She then curled up, resting against Little Yanyan's soft little body, quietly awaiting the dawn from outside, her mind repeatedly flashing through her past with Qin Yi.

She didn't know when she finally drifted into a daze-filled sleep.

In her dream, there was an Asura Sea formed by mountain of corpses and fresh blood.

The blood-red sea was endless, filled with flashes of swords and shadows of blades. Countless faceless figures were fighting desperately, severed limbs were everywhere, floating and sinking in the fetid Asura Sea. There were countless skulls, devoid of flesh and skin, staring at her with two hollow eye sockets.

She was a complete mess, franticly running in the knee-deep blood sea, loudly calling out Qin Yi's name.

Suddenly, a familiar call came from the distance: "Pan'er, I am here!"