Chapter 3 Perfect Goddess_1

The Imperial Luxury Hotel is situated at the end of the busiest commercial street, and it is absolutely the kingpin in the food service industry of Yenjing.

The entire building covered in silver reflective panels has a hint of a modern architectural style, looking like a shiny diamond as a whole. It is magnificent, elegant, and high-end.

Today, the Hua Entertainment Amusement Park in West Yenjing is officially opening. Its chairman has set up a banquet at the Imperial Luxury Hotel to celebrate the successful launching of the amusement park.

Mo Shaoyun, as the CEO of Tiannan Group and the most beautiful woman in Yenjing, was naturally amongst those invited.

Her arrival was like a shining star, overshadowing everyone else's brilliance. Even the hottest female stars across the country would lose their glamour before her.

With her exquisite face, noble and cold aura, and flawless body curves, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

Some women might be beautiful, but they lack an appropriate aura; some women have an aura, but do not necessarily possess a stunning face; or they have flaws on their bodies.

Mo Shaoyun was different. She was a perfect goddess with beauty, body, and temperament all in one.

Exactly because of this, she was known as the most beautiful woman in Yenjing, and a very successful woman. She stood at the pinnacle of all women in Yenjing, enjoying the admiration of others.

"Shaoyun, this is for you. I hope you can accept it." A young man arrived in front of Mo Shaoyun with a small red gift box.

"What is it? Why are you giving it to me?" Mo Shaoyun didn't take it.

"Shaoyun, can't you enjoy life a little?" The young man spread his hands and laughed, "You're only twenty-five years old. People say you have amazing business talent, and you're aptly controlling the entire Tiannan Group at such a tender age. You're prospering in this cunning business realm. But, I know how much hardship you've gone through."

"In fact, you don't have to work so hard. Who else lives their entire life just reading and working? Though learning is endless and one should learn as one grows old, it's not necessary to be so obsessed, right? Life is beautiful. We should learn to enjoy it,not pour all our experiences into work and studying. There are many other beautiful things in our lives waiting for you to experience."

"Cao Ge, what exactly do you want to say?" Mo Shaoyun asked, frowning.

"Shaoyun, I have always liked you. This is my birthday present to you. Open it and see." Cao Ge said with a smile.

"I don't want it." Mo Shaoyun turned her head away, "If it was just a birthday present, I would have accepted it and been grateful. But if it has other implications, forget it."

"Is your heart so cold?" Cao Ge looked heartbroken, "This is the 32nd time I've been rejected."

"Then stop confessing." Mo Shaoyun said: "Cao Ge, let me tell you truthfully, I don't have any feelings for you and I never will, whether it's the 32nd or 302nd time, it will not change anything between us."

"Why?" Cao Ge's hand, holding the gift box, suddenly tightened.

"Because… I have someone in my heart." Mo Shaoyun gave Cao Ge a look and then walked towards the main door of Imperial Luxury Hotel, looking lonely.

Cao Ge dropped the gift box he was holding, his face ashen. He had been previously rejected many times but had remained hopeful; today, however, he felt an unbearable heartache, as if his heart had been shattered into countless pieces.

How could someone else be in the exquisite Mo Shaoyun's heart? Isn't such a beautiful existence only meant for him to possess? Which man had stolen Mo Shaoyun's heart?

"Honey...Mo Shaoyun...honey..." Suddenly, a loud voice echoed at the entrance of the Imperial Luxury Hotel.

The guests who were at the opening of the Hua Entertainment Amusement Park and were now about to enter the Imperial Luxury Hotel for dinner were all top members of Yenjing's business circle.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from a certain direction, shamelessly calling Mo Shaoyun his wife. It was as if a little stone had been thrown onto a calm lake, causing ripples all around.

"Eh, what's going on? Did someone just call Mo Shaoyun his wife? Is Mo Shaoyun, who is rumored to be heartless, actually married? Did I hear it wrong?"

"I think I heard the same thing. How odd! Mo Shaoyun actually has a husband. Hasn't Cao Ge been after Mo Shaoyun for almost two years without any progress?"

"Hmmm, does that woman, who reportedly has a stone for a heart, also have a husband? This is explosive news! I really want to see what Mo Shaoyun's man would look like!"

Many people stopped in their tracks, searching curiously around them. They had heard the voice, but they didn't know where it had come from.

Some women were frantically searching, their faces full of curiosity. As her fellow women, they had always been suppressed by Mo Shaoyun and disliked it very much. They would quite like to see what was so special about this woman's man.

"What's going on? Who's yelling nonsense?" Mo Shaoyun's eyebrows were tightly knit.

Cao Ge was also searching for the source of the voice. As one of Mo Shaoyun's suitors, how could he tolerate anyone infringing on his perfect goddess?

"Are you Mo Shaoyun?" A silhouette suddenly darted out from the side, arrived in front of Mo Shaoyun, with a photo in his hand, he broke into a smile and said: "Although the photo is from two years ago, and you were pretty, you are even more beautiful in person, I almost didn't recognize you! By the way, do you remember me? Can you recognize me? We haven't seen each other in ten years!"

"Ah..." Mo Shaoyun was terrified by the sudden rush of Zhang Xian and instinctively backed away.

Just then, a mature beauty in a white dress came from the side and stood in front of Mo Shaoyun, staring vigilantly at Zhang Xian.

"Really? Is this Mo Shaoyun's man?"

When everyone saw Zhang Xian, their mouths practically dropped open in shock.

They had been wondering and curious as to who dared to call Mo Shaoyun his wife. When they finally saw him, they almost lost their eyesight in shock.

With his messy hair and peculiar dressing, even if he looked decent, he was somewhat passable. Was this unimpressive lad Mo Shaoyun's man?

"Haha, is this a joke? The perfect goddess's man is so ridiculous? So interesting."

"Tut, Mo Shaoyun has a unique taste indeed."

When some women saw Zhang Xian, the expression on their faces was quite vivid. Meanwhile, they were also sneering in their hearts.

Watching Mo Shaoyun lose face was the greatest pleasure of their lives.

The most beautiful woman in Yenjing, Mo Shaoyun's man, turned out to be someone of such low status, what could be more exhilarating than this?

"You...who are you?" After hearing all the discussions around her, Mo Shaoyun's face turned pale, she wished the earth could open up and swallow her.

How could such an unsightly man pop out suddenly? This man even has the audacity to declare himself publicly as her husband. Did she know this man?

"Didn't expect that, did you?" Zhang Xian ignored the surprise surrounding them and took out a green bracelet, laughing, "I am Zhang Xian. This is yours, happy birthday!"