Chapter 4 Unexpected Results_1

Upon hearing the words, Mo Shaoyun was completely stunned, languishing on the spot with a blank look on her face, taking a long time to recover.

Was the man in front of her the one she was bound to marry, the man she'd exchanged vows with ten years ago? Why was he showing up at this time, in such a manner? Wasn't this just shaming her?

You know, today is the opening of the Hua Entertainment Amusement Park, with top business moguls of Beijing all around. If they found out about her secret fiancé, how would she ever face them again?

"This is for you, happy birthday." Zhang Xian raised his hand, smiling.

Mo Shaoyun didn't accept, nor did she dare to. If these people found out that Zhang Xian was her betrothed, she'd be too embarrassed to ever show her face in public again.

She was regarded as the number one beauty of Beijing, a goddess-like figure, and also the CEO of Tiannan Group, one of the most influential figures in Beijing. She didn't expect her husband to be the most perfect man in the world, nor did she expect her husband to be extraordinarily gifted, but they ought to at least be able to match up, right? But did Zhang Xian now meet this requirement? This was merely besmirching her reputation.

"President Mo, what does this mean? This gentleman is your husband? How come I never heard you mention you were married?"

"Exactly! President Mo, really unfair of you. Such a big event, and you didn't even tell us. Look, your husband is not bad at all! A really outstanding person!"

"I must say, I reckon there's been a mistake. How could a woman as outstanding as President Mo have a husband like the one standing in front of us? Although I don't deny that this man is good looking, his taste is quite mediocre. How could someone like him be a match for Beijing's number one beauty?"

"I think you're right. President Mo, this man must be here to insult you. Should I ask someone to throw him out, to save you from having to lay your eyes on him?"

Many people gathered around Mo Shaoyun, appearing to be concerned, but their words were clearly mockery. Business elites like them were quite good at indirect criticism.

As Mo Shaoyun listened to the various sarcastic remarks surrounding her, her pretty face turned bright red, and even her delicate body began to tremble slightly.

Today, she had lost face big time. Because of Zhang Xian's appearance, those who disapproved of her found a reason to vent their feelings, and the various humiliations and ridicules hit her like a flood, inflicting great mental suffering. Being a part of the Beijing business circle, she had had numerous overt and covert disputes in the past, but none were as humiliating as today, she was completely unable to fight back.

Zhang Xian saw the numerous ridicules, and Mo Shaoyun's blushing face, and looked puzzled. But he didn't think much about it, and once again offered a gift: "Shaoyun, this is for you."

"I don't want it, you should leave!" Mo Shaoyun strangled her anger and snapped back.

Zhang Xian was taken aback, not quite understanding what Mo Shaoyun meant. He had traveled all this way just to be treated like this?

"Shaoyun, what's going on?" Cao Ge came over, looked at Zhang Xian, then turned to ask: "Who is this guy?"

Mo Shaoyun started to speak, but just as she was about to open her mouth…

A middle-aged man suddenly appeared, laughing loudly: "Haha, Mo Shaoyun, I really didn't expect it! This fellow is your husband? How come I've never heard you mention it? We're considered old rivals, how could you be so secretive? But your husband, he seems fine from the outside at least! Hey guys, look at him. He has a style, doesn't he?"

As soon as this man appeared, he was able to stir up the atmosphere, and those who were not on good terms with Mo Shaoyun started to smirk.

Although they considered themselves high society, they didn't act as boisterous as the middle-aged man. Instead they watched coldly from the sidelines, waiting for the spectacular drama to unfold.

"I... I don't know him." Unable to bear it any longer, Mo Shaoyun turned and walked away.

"Mo Shaoyun, what does that mean?" Zhang Xian chased after her, grabbed Mo Shaoyun's hand and asked in a stern voice: "What about that rainy day ten years ago? What did we agreed upon then?"

"I..." Mo Shaoyun shook off Zhang Xian's hand, intending to say some harsh words. But upon meeting Zhang Xian's deep black eyes, the words wouldn't come out.

After a moment's hesitation, she took a deep breath and spoke coldly: "Zhang Xian, we did indeed have a marriage contract ten years ago, but that was my grandfather's wish, he didn't have the power to represent me fully."

As soon as she spoke, the room fell silent. Was this poor-looking fellow really Mo Shaoyun's fiancé?

"Little Thief…" Cao Ge's face drastically changed. He walked over and grabbed Zhang Xian's hand, grinding his teeth angrily: "Take your dirty hands off Shaoyun, don't dirty her clothes."

"Excuse me?" Zhang Xian turned his head, glaring coldly at Cao Ge.

"Hmph, what do I mean? Why don't you tell me what I mean?" Cao Ge sneered: "Take a good look at yourself. Do you think you're worthy of Shaoyun? Do you think a toad has a chance with a swan? Little Thief, we are not from the same world, our world is not something a poor wretch like you can understand. I'm giving you one minute, get lost."

"Slap…" Zhang Xian let go of Mo Shaoyun's hand, and his palm struck Cao Ge's face, "I don't think you're much, dealing with you will be just like child's play."

Unprepared, Cao Ge was sent flying by the slap. He fell awkwardly to the ground, and a bright red slap mark was visible on his pale face.

He didn't expect this country bumpkin to dare lay a hand on him. Did this guy know who he was?

"Damn, what's going on?"

The others were also bug-eyed, staring in disbelief at Cao Ge on the ground.

The esteemed young master of the Cao family had been slapped across the face by a country bumpkin? And that the country bumpkin who slapped him was Mo Shaoyun's betrothed? The drama today was quite entertaining!

"Zhang Xian, you..." Mo Shaoyun's mouth dropped open.

What did he mean by that? Why did he end up fighting? Was he just bringing more enemies to their Mo family?

"Young Master…" Two bodyguards nearby rushed over.

"You... You dare to hit me?" Cao Ge jumped to his feet, his anger causing his eyes to bulge and glare at Zhang Xian, ordering the two bodyguards: "What are you two standing around for? Get him!"

The two bodyguards didn't dare to waste time, furiously rushing towards Zhang Xian.

"You..." Mo Shaoyun was quite frightened and wanted to run over and stop the two bodyguards.

However, with all eyes on her, she also didn't want to appear too close to Zhang Xian, and in the end, she held back and just watched anxiously.

"Just you two?" Zhang Xian snorted, unafraid, and dashed forward, charging at the two bodyguards like a tiger.

He had come here to seek his wife. He didn't understand why these people were sneering and scowling at him, using his downfall as a way to belittle Mo Shaoyun.

As a man from the mountains, he may have been somewhat naive, but that didn't mean he was a pushover. If these people dared to act up, he wouldn't mind causing a ruckus and slapping their faces.