Chapter 107 - I'll hit you if you don't stop the car_1

The middle-aged man was hit twice in succession, feeling a bout of dizziness as he sank to the ground.

He saw the fresh blood dripping from his palm and began to roar, "Ah ... boy, you ... you're fucking asking for death!"

"What's going on?"

"Damn, another fight? Everyone's fucking hot-headed lately!"

"Damn, it's a rich guy! That luxury car can't be cheap can it? The windshield's completely shattered, such a pity."

The market's peak hours are in the morning, but there are still quite a number of people in the afternoon. Some who are busy at work, or had something delaying them, will come in the afternoon to buy groceries, though they are not as fresh.

Witnessing a fight, especially when one party is a well-dressed magnate driving a luxury car, drew the attention of passersby. There weren't many who dared to pick a fight with someone so well-off!

"Screech... screech..."

Soon, two minivans drove over.