Chapter 108, Astonishing the World with Charm_1

A middle-aged man was having a thrilling time street racing, only to be startled as a Bentley suddenly roared up behind him.

He was riled up when the guy in the car brazenly told him to stop or he'll run him over. But when he saw Mo Shaoyun, he dutifully slowed down.

Damn, she was so beautiful! If he could beat up that rich second-generation idiot, would the beautiful woman in the passenger seat fall for him?

"Shit, you're obedient," Zhang Xian grumbled to himself, also slowing down.

Soon, the motorcycle grinded to a halt at the side of the road.

After hitting the brakes and stopping the Bentley, Zhang Xian flung the door open, marched up to the middle-aged man and said, "What's your problem? Didn't you see you nearly hit someone?"

"Oh..." the middle-aged man offered a snide grin, "You're here to avenge that guy? I wasn't expecting that!"

"That's not the only thing you didn't see coming," Zhang Xian retorted with a cold laugh.