Chapter 142 The Conspiracy of The Hidden Hand _1

In Yantai city, outside a villa in a certain residential area.

Many people form a fan-shaped blockade at the entrance. A middle-aged man, wearing a black vest, showing solid muscles, is knocking vigorously on the anti-theft door.

At the back, a woman and a little girl are sobbing softly.


The door was opened, a young man came out from inside, it was Zhang Xian.

Glancing briefly, he asked expressionlessly, "What are you all doing standing by my doorway?"

The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Xian, spotted a youngster, and shouted, "Where is Liu Xiaowen? Make that damned woman come out, she must give us an explanation today."

"I fully represent Aunt Liu, if you have anything to say, you can talk to me." Zhang Xian stood with his hands behind him, said firmly.

These people came in demanding Liu Xiaowen to give an explanation, needless to say, it must be about the issue of drug poisoning.