Chapter 143 Someone's Sabotage_1

In Yantai city, at the entrance of a neighbourhood, under a big tree.

A young man, once he saw Zhang Xian and the others leave, took out his phone and dialed a number, "Boss, the plan failed."

"What happened? Why did it fail?"

The youngster said: "A guy named Zhang Xian saw through our scheme, and the people I hired got beaten up. Now, they have gone to the hospital. What should we do next?"

After pondering for a while, the voice on the phone said, "Proceed with the second plan, this time there must be no mistakes."

After acknowledging, the young man hung up the phone, turned his gaze towards the direction where Zhang Xian and the others had disappeared, and a treacherous smile spread across his face.


Yantai City, Central Hospital.

When Zhang Xian and the others arrived at the inpatient department, a doctor hurried over, asking, "Who here is a relative of Hong Hua?"

The middle-aged man leading the group asked, "I am. What's the matter?"