Chapter 144: The Chrysanthemums are Withered, Pain is Everywhere_1

In Tiandu City, Yantai City, within a certain neighborhood, in a certain villa.

Upon hearing Zhang Xian's words, Liu Xiaowen suddenly stood up from the sofa. They were now almost at the point of no return, and yet the other party still refused to give up, aiming to crush the Zhu Family.

Zhu Qing also realized the severity of the situation, grabbing Zhang Xian's hand, she asked, "Zhang Xian, you'll help me, right?"

"Of course." Zhang Xian nodded, and said to Liu Xiaowen, "Auntie, don't worry about this, I won't let the Zhu Family fall."

"Really?" Liu Xiaowen asked, astonished.

She found Zhang Xian seemed very confident, but she didn't know where this confidence came from.

"Absolutely real." The corners of Zhang Xian's mouth curled slightly, sketching a mysterious smile, "Auntie, in the next couple of days, some people should come to find me, you can help me with that."

"Who?" Liu Xiaowen asked curiously.