Chapter 145 Annoyed Head of Education_1

The elder was somewhat surprised to see a young man suddenly approach and swiftly take down several miscreants.

This guy seemed too young and was here with Zhu Yan, could he be a Tsinghua University student? Good, very good, this little fellow saw injustice and acted, he truly is an outstanding student.

Zhu Yan ran over and grabbed Zhang Xian's hand, giggling, "Brother-in-law, you're amazing!"

The elder was taken aback, quite surprised. This little fellow was Zhu Yan's brother-in-law? Not a student of Tsinghua University?

"Hehe, it's nothing significant…" Zhang Xian laughed, then his face turned cold. He glared at the young men on the ground and said, "So, aren't you planning to beat it yet?"

The young men sprang up, hopped onto their motorcycles, and bolted off.

Having tasted defeat, they didn't dare stick around to act tough any longer.