Chapter 626: How Could You Do This?_1

At the summit of Lingxiao Island, in a certain room overlooking the sea of Huaxia.

Zhang Xian was looking at a small formation, and with a smile, extended his hand to retrieve the makeshift crystal he had used.

This Formation was initially substituted with a diamond. Although it could store a small quantity of Spiritual Energy, it was not entirely suitable as this energy could not freely circulate within it.

Luckily, he had found better replacement within the Ling Mountain Sect, and now, the defensive arrangement of his sect had vastly improved.

"Hey, why did you bring me here?" Fu Meiting asked Zhang Xian.

Zhang Xian waved his hand, and a crystal the size of a wheel suddenly sprang out and hung in the middle of the room. Instantly, a flash of white light appeared as the formation was flawlessly combined with the formation.

With a slight smile, he looked at the crystal and said, "Five-eyed Divine Demon, you should be able to come out now."
