Chapter 625 Do You Still Know Shame?_1

"The thing I need you for, can't be explained over the phone, you should come over! After all, I believe I've never let you down, right?"

Zhang Xian chuckled: "You know my temper, I won't go anywhere unless I know what's going on. Plus, I really don't have time right now, I urgently need funds."

"Alright! We've found a base for the Voice of God, we need you to go take a look."

Zhang Xian frowned, "Another mission related to the Voice of God?"

"Would I bother you with ordinary affairs? The Voice of God is too formidable, our Skynet is struggling a bit."

Zhang Xian, laughing, asked: "I don't mind going, but what's in it for me? I urgently need cash, and I assume you have plenty, right?"

"Um…how much do you need?"

Zhang Xian replied: "How much can you give?"

"A few tens of thousands!"

Zhang Xian's eyes popped out in anger: "Old man, are you messing with me? Do you think I'd borrow a few tens of thousands from you? If you can come up with tens of millions, then I'll show up."