Chapter 656 Celestial Path_1

Huaxia, within a certain forest, there was a slightly strange village.

An elderly man stood in a courtyard, slowly performing a set of punches, his movements steady as a snail's crawl.

However, if a master was present, they would definitely notice that despite his slow punches and lack of vigor, each move contained powerful concepts, reaching the highest realm of martial arts.

"Group leader..."

Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked in.

"What's the matter?"

The elderly man's movements didn't cease, he continued moving slowly.

"Our spies report that Zhang Xian, Old Man Gui, and Zi Yu have left Lingxiao Island in a hurry. It seems they had urgent business," the middle-aged man reported.

The old man's movement abruptly halted, and with a frown, he questioned, "Old Man Gui and Zhang Xian are together? He has shown himself?"

"Yes," the middle-aged man replied.

The old man nodded and said, "I see, have them continue monitoring. If there are any discoveries, report to me immediately."