Chapter 657: The Method of Starting_1

The visitor wore a long black dress, her white hair tied up in a bun, revealing a goose-oval face full of wrinkles.

If it weren't for the ravages of time, distinct traces would have remained on her face. Her well-proportioned facial features suggested that she must have been a great beauty in her youth.

Regrettably, time, like a ruthless knife, had mercilessly stripped away her youth.

"Master, what are you doing here?"

Zi Yu's petulant demeanor was nowhere to be found when she saw who had arrived.

This was not fear but respect. She deeply respected her master, who raised her single-handedly, and despite being strict, always showered her with love.

"I came to see Zhang Xian."

ZiZhu walked up to Zhang Xian. After examining him carefully with her eyes, she nodded and praised, "Good, worthy of being a student of my eldest fellow-apprentice. So young, yet already accomplished."


Boss Gui laughed, "Junior sister-apprentice, long time no see. You seem to have changed a lot."