Chapter 16 The Child is Mine

Basil Jaak looked at his phone as soon as he got off the plane and saw messages from Xenia Wendleton, Fenny Marshall, and others. The main theme was just one question—why they couldn't reach him on his phone.

Standing in front of the jealous Jessica Flack, Basil Jaak found it inconvenient to return calls, so he texted them in a group message. He told them that he had already returned to Rong City from Beji and would visit them some other time in Beji. Currently, he was at the company and it wasn't convenient for him to answer the phone.

After dropping Jessica Flack off at home, Basil Jaak drove back. Just as he arrived at the entrance of the community, he ran into Debby Sutton, who was coming out to buy groceries. He quickly went forward to support her and said with concern, "My dear, what are you doing out here with your big belly? You should have let Miss Sutton handle the groceries."