Chapter 215: Underground Lover (Request for Monthly Tickets)_1

(Currently ranked eleventh on the chart; if any brothers and sisters have a month's votes to spare, help old Ao to reach top ten~)


"Wait!" Mabel Cooper realized when she was pushed on the head, she was so angry and even rolled her eyes, "So that's your ultimate sarcastic attack, huh? You make it sound like I never did any real work in the past."

"Just kidding, I was just messing with you." Yves King continued to drink, smiling and saying, "According to my intuition, you must be a good official - or at least, not a bad one."

"Don't flatter me, the official field is so perilous nowadays. A slight misstep could lead to disastrous consequences." Mabel Cooper sighed, fatigue flashing in her eyes. "It's not easy when you really want to make a difference. You easily touch upon other people's interests, inadvertently offending someone."

"That's true." Yves King chuckled and shook his head, "Forget about it, let's just live our own lives peacefully in this environment."