Chapter 216 Nightclub Goddess_1

(There will be another chapter in the wee hours, but the timing is uncertain, so please check it out tomorrow morning~~~ My current schedule is completely messed up, haha, I need to adjust it as much as possible)


Unlike the delicate softness of Wendy, and even more so, Faye's innocent beauty. Perhaps it's when she's with Yves King, she can completely let go of all her masks, and all the burdens in her heart. At this moment, in this cramped space, Mabel Cooper has shed all her disguises, revealing her long-repressed nature.

This nature, perhaps she hasn't even noticed it herself. Even when she's alone late at night, she can't fully let it out. Perhaps only when she has unconsciously fully trusted Yves King in the depths of her heart, can she be like this, and only be like this to him.

Yves King was somewhat amused by her approach. But he had to admit, whether it was her figure or temperament, they were deeply attractive to him. She was mature, noble, and seductive.