Chapter 469: The Secret of Half-step Heavenly Level (Third Update)_1

Inside a private booth, a man and a woman were alone.

The white-haired woman took out an elixir shimmering with a faint golden light and handed it to Ren Feifan.

"Take it, adjust your breath, and run the circulation of True Qi three times."

As an alchemist, Ren Feifan naturally saw the extraordinary nature of this elixir.

Without hesitation, he swallowed it. As soon as it hit the mouth, it melted, and a rich herbaceous aroma spread throughout his body. He quickly circulated his energy, and soon the medicinal effect pervaded his limbs and bones.

After a while, Ren Feifan opened his eyes, a glint flashing past.

This elixir is astonishing!

"Thank you."

"I am merely repaying your kindness from before. I do not wish to entangle myself too much with a secular person, let alone owe anyone favors."

Subsequently, the white-haired woman tossed a brocade bag in front of Ren Feifan.

She added, "This contains the Cloud Flow Stones I won betting on you. Take them all."