Chapter 470: Defying-Heaven Dragon Searching Grass! (Fourth Update)_1

"What can I get for you, fellow daoist?"

The owner was an elderly man wearing sports gear; had it not been for the True Qi swirling around him, Ren Feifan might've mistaken him for the kind of senior who exercises in the park.

The elderly man squinted his eyes, sizing up Ren Feifan from top to bottom, his face no longer as amiable.

What could someone in the late stage of the Earth-level Realm possibly afford?

Plus, Ren Feifan's attire was clearly not that of a rich person from Cloud Flow Town, and his eyes were full of curiosity — this kind of person, unsurprisingly, would be stepping into Cloud Flow Town for the first time.

"Hello, I was wondering, how much is this Green Spirit Grass?"

The elderly man's eyes narrowed, somewhat surprised that this fellow had immediately recognized the few stalks of Green Spirit Grass.

He had set up his stall here for several hours, and almost no one had shown interest in the Green Spirit Grass.