Chapter 628: Seeing Off Over a Thousand Miles! Hidden Gate!_1

Ren Feifan and Dandan walked out of the Thousand Poison Door.

Not long after the two left, a string of police cars arrived at the entrance to the Thousand Poison Door. The unconscious girls woke up groggy, unsure as to why they had suddenly appeared in this place, much like they had lost memory.

It was only when they saw the police that they realized they'd been missing for nearly a day. If not for the mysterious person who had called, they would likely have become victims of ruthless predators.

They all prayed in their hearts, although they didn't know who saved them, they had an unyielding faith that good deeds are always rewarded.

Dandan and Ren Feifan had reached the foot of the mountain when Ren Feifan received a call from the Daoist Without Desires.

The Daoist should arrive at Mount Changbai by 1 PM the next day, at which time he would take Dandan to the Hidden Gate.