Chapter 629 Let us Kneel! Impossible!_1

Ren Feifan was somewhat dazed. The next second, Dandan charged forward and hugged him, unwittingly letting a tear fall, which turned into a crystal.

The Dragon's Tear, also known as the Dragon Crystal, was a rarity.

This was the sorrow of parting.

"Father, rest assured, I will carve out a foothold for you inside, I will be waiting for you there!"

Ren Feifan nodded, suddenly remembering something and said to Dandan: "Once you've settled in, always keep an eye out for a place. It's called the Wang Palace, the Demon Suppression Tower."

"Alright! Oh, father…"

Just as Dandan was about to say something, a cold voice sounded beside them: "You two trash, stop babbling, you're going to die when you enter the Hidden Gate anyway. If you have any last words, spit them out quickly. Don't waste my time."

Although Ren Feifan and Dandan were slightly angered, they held back their annoyance and remained silent. After all, they had truly been holding up the two Gatekeepers of the Hidden Gate.