Chapter 147 [Slap you in front of your father!] Six more done, begging for monthly tickets!!_1

When Chen Fan escorted Zhou Wen out of the private room, the blood stains in the corridor had already been cleaned up and the smell of air freshener hung in the air, masking much of the blood scent.

Chu Ge, with a cigarette tucked between his lips, was puffing away furiously by the corridor door at the stairwell.

Seeing Chen Fan and Zhou Wen approaching, Chu Ge promptly tossed his cigarette, not bothering to stomp it out, and rushed up to them, saying, "Master, Brother Wen, they're all inside. Additionally, Brother Yidao would like your opinion on whether Tiger's subordinates can head to the hospital. After all, they are members of the Red Bamboo Gang."

As he finished his sentence, Chu Ge seemed to feel apologetic towards Chen Fan, gritting his teeth before adding, "Of course, if you, Master, aren't satisfied yet, I won't object even if we have to break their legs."

"No need, let them head to the hospital. Just keep that Tiger here." Chen Fan thought for a bit before saying.