Chapter 148 [You can leave, but leave your two hands behind!] Part 1_1

After receiving a slap from Chen Fan, Lin Yu's consciousness was somewhat blurred. However, after hearing He Laoliu's words, he struggled to sit up, his face bloody, and yelled, "Dad, avenge me! I want to kill this bastard! Kill him!!"

"Lin Yu has been beaten to this extent, what kind of explanation do we still need?" Seeing Lin Yu in this state, Liu Guihua's face turned pale with anger. She shouted like a shrew, "In my view, what He Laoliu should do now is make Chen Fan realize his regret, not explaining things."

"Shut up!" He Laoliu turned around, giving Liu Guihua a gloomy glare.

Liu Guihua caught the anger in He Laoliu's eyes. Even though she was extremely angry, she did not dare to continue ranting. Instead, she glared wide-eyed at Chen Fan, not hiding the anger in her eyes.

"Du Yidao, I'll only ask you one question. Is this kid related to you?" Seeing that Du Yidao remained silent, He Laoliu asked again in a chilling tone, his gaze flickering over Chen Fan.